Episode 53: Your Solution to Overprocessed or Damaged Lashes/Brows and clients with Lash Glue Sensitivities


This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below👇 to watch.


I had the opportunity to talk to Janelle (owner of Jlux’s Aesthetics in Kelowna) about her experience joining our Professional Collabs. It was an episode full of learning as she shared how she started as a lash/brow artist, what made her decide to switch to a heat-based solution and water-based adhesive and the kind of service that she wants to provide to her clients.

One of the most common issues that lash/brow artists face is getting underwhelming results for their lash or brow lifts or overprocessing the lashes/brows leading to damage. You probably have seen a lot of lift results that look amazing and had you wondering what you might be doing wrong. Most artists often resort to using the traditional chemical lift because they want faster processing and impressive results. While you might get the “best results” in the first little bit of your services but as you continuously process the same lashes/brows using those traditional lifts, you’re making the hairs brittle, frizzy and damaged.

All hairs (lashes/brows) are different. There are some that you can easily process while others are stubborn and need a longer processing time. If you’re using the traditional lift, you can’t go beyond a specified processing time because you’ll risk overprocessing the lashes/brows. That’s one of the advantages of using a Heat-Based Lift Solution. You aren’t required to follow a specific time to process the hairs, you will decide based on how to hair is responding to the process. Will it damage the hair if you process it for too long? NO. There’s no chance of overprocessing because this solution is made of safer ingredients - all Health Canada approved.

So if you’re having problems with inconsistent results for your lash lifts or brow lamination, switching to heat-based lift solution might be the best choice for you. Not only that it’s safe for your clients, it’s also safe for the last/brow artists. You won’t be exposed to harsh/toxic chemicals while you do these services. You don’t have to risk you & your client’s health to make their lashes/brows beautiful.

Since Janelle is the first artist to join our collab, sharing her experience felt really great knowing that she was extremely happy with the results and the fact that her clients felt like she was indeed providing them with a luxurious service.

You will learn a lot more on this episode so make sure to watch til the end. If you’re interested to apply to our Professional Collabs to try our products for FREE, just go to this LINK.


{00:00} Intro

{00:08} How did Janelle got into the beauty industry

{01:32} How long did it take for her to build her clientele

{02:01} What new services did she start offering

{03:28} How did Janelle ended up finding Elevate

{04:18} What's her experience with the water-based adhesive

{05:41} What's her experience joining Elevate's Professional Collabs and using the Heat-Based Lift Solution

{08:00} How long did it take for her to feel confident using the Heat-Based Lift Solution

{09:48} When did Jenna start developing this solution

{12:39} How did she set up her pricing for the heat-based lift

{16:06} Can you use the heat-based lift solution to restore damaged lashes/brows

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Jenna Bodnaruk