Episode 51: How To Set-Up Your Cancellation & Sick Policies


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Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lash/brow artist one of the most difficult thing to implement & be consistent about it is your policies especially CANCELLATION & SICK POLICIES. But if there's an important advice that I'd like to give, is to start these policies as soon as you can. No one likes policies but as a biz owner, you have to do it.

When I was starting I used to give so much consideration to my clients because I want to keep them & make them happy. In the beginning, I didn't see anything wrong with this but as my clientele grow bigger, I realized that not having strict policies about cancellation totally put my studio in chaos. There are clients who's gonna cancel last minute adding holes to the rest of your schedule. This has not happened to me yet but some studios experienced having none left on their schedule for the day or week due to cancellations.

The purpose of cancellation is to protect yourself, your studio and your whole clientele. You don't want someone messing up the entire schedule, making it difficult for other clients to book or have to move different schedules. You want clients who know how to respect other people's time and adhere to the rules.

Of course cancellation and sickness policies are different. In my studio, if a client calls in sick, I still charge them the cancellation fee but they can have it credited on their next appointment. I want them to be able to get back on their feet after being sick and get back to their self-care.

If you're having a problem setting boundaries in your studio you might want to watch this video on my channel and if you're looking to set up cancellation & sick policy. This episode is for you.



{01:15} What happens if you don't implement policies in your studio

{03:16} How to set up your cancellation policy

{07:09} How to set up your policy for sick clients

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Jenna Bodnaruk