Episode 54: HERE ARE MY TIPS: If you want to learn lash extensions but not sure if you'd like it


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You probably have seen those impressive posts about lash extensions and becoming a lash artists. Maybe you’ve seen videos that talk about earning a pretty great amount of money by becoming part of the beauty industry. Now, you’re out there thinking about starting a career in the beauty biz. But at the back of your mind, you’re questioning whether you’re actually fit to become a lash artist or if you’d like being one.

I’ve been asked a lot of times about my career as a lash artist, usually by my clients who are genuinely curious about it and share so much love for lash extensions the same way that I do. It’s definitely a career that I’m passionate about but I’m not gonna lie, being a lash artist isn’t easy.

So if you have been wanting to start a lash career but you’re not sure about it yet, I would 100% recommend trying lash lift and tint course first to test the waters. Why lash lift & tint? First, you don’t need long time commitment with this during your training period. No long hours required to practice, not physically taxing as lash extensions and also you spend way less money for training and kit. Is this still a good investment for your skills? Absolutely! Not only will you get the feel of becoming a lash artist, if you market yourself successfully, you will get quicker ROI (return of investment) by doing lash lift & tints.

This has become a trend in the beauty industry as well. A lot of women are loving the idea of lash lift and tints being low maintenance compared to lash extensions. Your clients would only need to get fills after 4-6 weeks and the cost of the service is usually cheaper than lash extensions. The service duration is also relatively shorter so it’s great for busy clients who still want to have that boost to their lashes.

When you’re learning how to do lash extensions, it will take around 3-5 hours for you to finish one model/client which is a lot of time. With lash lift and tints, you can finish your models in about an hour and 30 minutes. When you’re a beginner, you tend to get distracted & feel a little discouraged when things are taking longer so getting those shorter service times might make you feel better, too.

If you’re still not convinced about taking a lash lift and tint course first, watch this video to learn more.



{00:27} Should you start with lash extensions course or a lash lift course

{01:33} Tips about choosing the right training lash lift course & solution

{04:11} What are the advantages of taking a lash lift course first?

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Jenna Bodnaruk