Looking for ways to improve yourself and move forward with your goals?

Do you feel stuck after completing a beauty-related course? It can be overwhelming when you're doing everything on your own, right?

Let me help you!

Hi, I’m Jenna.

My passion for the beauty industry & helping people had made me start my own business and training programs.

There are tons of ways that I can help you considering my years of experience in this industry, but the biggest question is “How much do you want to succeed?”.

Believe it or not. No matter how many tips. insights, strategies, and personal experiences I share with you, if you’re not motivated enough to help yourself and achieve your goals, it’s hard to get farther.

If you think something inside you is burning with passion & excitement, I guarantee that you will learn a lot from this intensive coaching.

I am excited to be part of your journey to success!

Before that, let’s choose what schedule & coaching plan works for you…


1-hour Coaching Session - $247

  • An hour of intensive - coaching call

1 Month Coaching Program -$997

What you will get:

  • Two 60 minute in-depth zoom sessions per month

  • Unlimited easy to digest coaching (text + voice messaging)

  • Organized action plans with the steps to effectively work on your goals

  • Weekly sessions to touch base with your progress & a journal to keep track of it

  • Access to all of our resources - private community group & live Q&A sessions.

3 Month Coaching Program -$777/month

What you will get:

  • Two 60 minute in-depth zoom sessions per month

  • Unlimited easy to digest coaching (text + voice messaging)

  • Organized action plans with the steps to effectively work on your goals

  • Weekly sessions to touch base with your progress & a journal to keep track of it

  • Access to all of our resources - private community group & live Q&A sessions.

I am really excited to start this journey with you! Let’s talk about your goals…

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will be discussed during the call?

This call will be specific to your coaching needs! I will share my experiences, tips, and insights and we will brainstorm the things that will be applicable to you.

  • How do I schedule my coaching call?

After making the purchase, we will send you the details on how you can book your coaching call.

  • Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! You might find yourself wanting to discuss more and learn more so you can purchase to your heart’s content.