Episode 26: Lash Course 101: How to know if you'd be good at lash extensions... and like it too!

This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below👇 to watch.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” — Steve Jobs

Have you ever wanted to do something but you’re always left wondering whether you’re qualified to do it or whether you’ll like it?

I am not even talking about jobs or careers yet. Sometimes when you’re sitting there, scrolling through your social media account & see your friends getting busy with their hobbies like biking/hiking, painting, or baking. I am certain that at one point you’ve thought about doing these things, too. When something looks fun & interesting, who doesn’t think about doing it, right?

But it always sounds plain & simple until we do it. You might have joined your friends on a hike and realized that this hobby or activity is not for you because, in the middle of the trek, you feel so worn out while others were enjoying it. Every part of your body aches and you just want to go home & lie down. Maybe this is how it feels for the first time or maybe you weren’t prepared enough for it. So doing it again might be a good choice thinking you’ll feel elated this time, only to realize you have a bad back or your feet aren’t meant to walk long distances.

You see, some things seem pretty simple & easy until we look further and try them. This is the same with starting a career as a lash artist. Before you get excited about taking a lash course, you have to know whether you’re fit to do it. It’s not always about skills because that’s something that you can learn & master in the long run. In order for you to prevent wasting your money & time, you have to know the sacrifices you have to make, the things you should be capable of doing, your physical limitations & characteristics that should be innate to you.

So are you ready to find out if you’ll be a good lash artist and whether you’ll like it? Watch the video here or listen to the podcast episode on this link.

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

► {01:15} Take the QUIZ to know if you’re a good fit as lash artist

â–ş {02:05} What are the basic characteristics that might help you be a good lash artist

► {03:32} How important is your body’s ability to tolerate prolonged sitting position

â–ş {04:10} Can you become a lash artist if you have shaky hands

â–ş {05:45} Why you should consult an RMT

â–ş {07:45} Is general eye for aesthetics helpful in your lash career

► {08:31} What’s the key for your lash career growth

► {09:28} Will you be a good lash artist if you haven’t tried lash extensions service

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This podcast is also available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below to watch.

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Jenna Bodnaruk