Episode 27: Lash Course 101: Isn’t the lash market saturated? How can I compete as a newbie?

This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below👇 to watch.

"Don't do what everyone else is doing."

How popular are lash extensions in your area? Do you often get questions like “What are lash extensions?”

When starting a career in the beauty biz, one of the things you need to take into account is your market - your future clients & competitors. Researching about these things is necessary to guarantee that you’ll earn enough profit when you begin lashing.

So what if in process of your research you found out that there are already a lot of lash artists in your area? Think about this. How many coffee shops do you see every day? If you live in the city, probably on every corner you’ll find a coffee shop. Even in small towns nowadays, you can find coffee shops everywhere. Does that mean that you can no longer open your coffee shop? Absolutely not!

Coffee shops may look the same on the outside but every coffee shop is unique. Some use better coffee beans, have better ambiance, better customer service, better menu, or are more Instagram-worthy. It all depends on what the client/customer is looking for. We all have different preferences and we go to the place that suits us the most. In my case, I prefer decaffeinated coffee and I think not all shops offer that option. So I would definitely go to a shop with decaf coffee even if the other shops taste better. See? That’s how unique markets are.

That’s the same thing in the lash industry. Just because you feel that more & more people are becoming lash artists doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed in being one. If you’re passionate about it then you can find a way to make it work.

Think about what sets you apart from all the other lash artists. What are your strengths? What are you good at? Are you good with people? Do you have an eye for aesthetics? You are unique and you are your own competition. Be confident in what you can offer and see how far your passion & dedication will take you.

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

► {00:17} : Is it too late to become a lash artist

► {00:51} : How much is the predicted growth of the lash industry by 2025

► {01:15} : How to determine if your area/location has a saturated market for lash extensions

► {02:00} : How to stand out in a saturated market

► {04:48} : What makes your services a no-brainer for the right type of customer for your business

► {05:47} : Most important advice that you should take note of

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This podcast is also available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below to watch.

Links mentioned in this episode:

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Jenna Bodnaruk