Episode 49: How to Compete in the 2023 Luxury Lash Market: Water-Based Adhesives


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We’re still on the topic of providing LUXURY SERVICE to your clients but let’s talk about ADHESIVES.

How can you provide luxury service to your clients through your adhesives?

Let me share with you my tips & tricks.

First, if you still haven’t tried water-based adhesive, now is the perfect time to consider switching especially if you have clients experiencing allergic reactions to your regular adhesive. The water-based adhesive doesn’t contain cyano-acrylates which most people are allergic to. You can prevent those blood-shot eyes or eye burning and provide a painless service that your clients can enjoy and look forward to.

I would caution you to choose the right water-based adhesive. I remember a lash tech who purchased from a different website since we don’t have our supplies yet. The client ended up having a bad reaction from that “water-based adhesive”. So be careful. Do your research and only purchase from reliable brands. Not all water-based adhesives that you will see in the market are made with high-quality ingredients.

Another tip that I want to share is the use of micropore tape. If you’re using one made of cotton, did you know that you’re actually creating an exothermic reaction? If you’re not yet familiar with this, it’s a phenomenon when you’re creating heat or releasing heat through the contact between your adhesive and this micropore tape. This contact then creates a reaction to the eyes such as burning, redness or irritation.

Want more tips? Make sure to watch the 2nd part of this episode to learn more.


{00:00} Intro

{01:11} Why you should switch t water-based adhesive

{03:40} How does your time create a reaction with your adhesive that may cause eye irritation

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

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Jenna Bodnaruk