Episode 50: How To Make Your Beauty Biz Stand Out


This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below👇 to watch.


New years always make us think about new beginnings, becoming a better person, finding a new hobby, and many different things that make us feel better. If you're a beauty business owner like me, you’re probably busy figuring out how to make your business standout…

The past year has taught me a lot of lessons about managing my biz. I was able to launch my online courses and my own product line which I am most grateful for. But the industry is always evolving & changing and that makes me want to always strive harder to provide the best service to my clients, help many lash/brow artists and create products that would elevate not just my business but also fellow lash/brow artists’ biz.

In this episode, I want to share the things that work for me in keeping my biz successful and now reaching more & more lash/brow artists not just in my province but also across Canada & US. My number one tip for you is to not let yourself be stagnant. You have to continue learning & practicing. If you need to take refresher courses or new courses to improve your skills & knowledge, take it!

The first thing that you have to figure out is what are you doing in your biz. You have to take note of your services - what are the most popular ones and which ones aren’t getting as much attention. Dissect it to figure out if you need to focus on mastering one service first before adding more. The second thing you need to analyze is how you are doing things in your studio. Are you providing the best service to your clients? Are you using the best products for them? Are there things that you’re having problems with? These are some of the questions that you might want to answer.

Setting yourself apart from your competitors requires effort & hardwork. You need to do your research. You need to be willing to do things that you haven’t done before. You need to step up your game. You must be willing to sacrifice some things to. This needs a plan and so watching this episode might help you decide what you can do to your biz. Make sure to take some notes and if you need a little advice, feel free to DM on Instagram at @elevatelash.ca.


{00:00} Intro

{01:17} Surprise offer to help you elevate your business

{01:54} First step in elevating your business, analyze WHAT YOU ARE DOING

{02:24} Second step in elevating your business is to determine HOW YOU ARE DOING THINGS

{02:41} Are you providing th best service to your clients

{03:31} What you should focus on to improve your business

{04:55} How the products you're using affects your business growth

{09:07} How can you diversify your business

{09:47} My most important advice t set yourself apart from competitors

{13:32} Let me help you elevate your business

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Jenna Bodnaruk