Episode 55: Why You Shouldn't Wait for your product to Run Out to Switch To A New Line


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The only constant thing in the world is change.

I know we've heard these tons of times but we can't still seem to be open to changes even if it's something that will make our lives better. This is applicable in all areas of our lives, whether it's career, personal growth or opportunities for your business. This is what I want to talk about today.

Do you want to elevate your business but you feel you're not ready to change the products that you're using? That's normal. You can still use the old products together with a new line, right? Is this a smart move? I would say, YES.

I have tried it in my studio and has been doing it for the last 2 years. I can say, it's one of the best decisions I've made. There are things that we want to improve on and most importantly, we want to give our clients options. Options that are well suited for them and not leaving them without any choice but to opt for the service that is the only one available.

At first, clients will be a little stiff when it comes to the new services or products that you're trying and the key to encourage them is to EDUCATE them. Give them options that are fit for their budget and principles. It's going to be a win-win situation. Trust me.

So if you're still thinking what new product to try, watch this video or you can send us a DM at elevatelash.ca for any suggestions.


{00:00} Intro

{00:16} Should you wait to finish your old product before you switch to a different brand

{02:15} What are the benefits of giving clients different options

{04:28} How effective is this approach in my studio

{05:24} Who are the best people to ask opinion about products that you want to try

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Jenna Bodnaruk