Episode 22: Why Putting Yourself First as a Mom Isn’t Selfish

“Being a mama can be tough, but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one does it better than you.” - Unknown

We all know how much hard work it is to be a mom. You’re not just a mom, you’re also a wife/partner, an employee or maybe a business owner, a daughter to your parents, and a friend to other people. These are all the roles that you’re taking on top of trying to be the best mom to your children and doing all of these every single day can be overwhelming.

More than two-thirds of moms (69%) reported feeling overwhelmed, according to our online, unscientific survey of more than 1,200 moms, and 64% shared that the past year has been extremely hard.

TODAY's survey showed that 83% of moms say they are doing 60 percent or more of the housework or home responsibilities.

Most moms, 60%, say they rarely or never take time for their own well-being, something Dr. Whitney Casares cautions against to avoid burnout. (Source, Today)

The causes of mom burnout are pretty much different for everyone but one thing that increases the likelihood of experiencing it is moms' lack of time for themselves. We often describe moms as the most selfless people but being selfless is not always a good thing. You have to allow yourself to rest otherwise you’ll feel drained and that will be a never-ending cycle.

As a way to celebrate Mother’s day and to honor all hardworking moms, I decided to talk about mom burnout in this week’s podcast. Many moms have been experiencing it even before the pandemic started and it has gotten worse during the COVID period. Moms need help. They can’t do everything on their own even if they want to.

Listen to this episode, share it with your mom friends, or every mom in your family. They need to know that they are not alone and the tips that I shared on this episode might be helpful for them to get through mom burnout.

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

► {00:28} Why are more moms experiencing burnout now?

► {02:02} How reaching out for help is essential in managing your mom's burnout?

► {02:44} Why asking for help from your manager or coworkers an important aspect of preventing burnout?

► {04:58} As a mom, why is it okay even if you're unable to multitask?

► {05:57} How to manage your mom guilt?

► {07:12} What are some self-care tips that you can do to help prevent/manage burnout?

► {08:10} If you're a stay-at-home mom and want to get back to work, what's a good step to start?

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Jenna Bodnaruk