Jenna: Hey guys, it's Jenna. I'm the owner of Elevate Beauty Education Supply and Studio.

and I'm here today to answer one of the biggest questions that I get when someone started to think about learning lash extensions. You might have a bad back you might have an injury recovering from or you might not know if you're wanting to like also which is really important. These are all really valid reasons to wonder if you should be undertaking a career in the beauty industry if you would like it. Or if nobody can even handle it. And so everyone is asking everyone wants to start with lash extensions and that's the big thing and it is really the core service. I'd say that is like the most popular and if you can get into lash extensions and that is really going to chunk out of your schedule in my opinion, but it doesn't have to be like that because really you can specialize in anything and specializing in something such as lash lift intent might be a better way for you to start. It is going to be way less time for you. You're going to be able to get way quicker and better and it's relatively lower barrier of entry. So that means less time invested, also less money. Those are all very good things because wash extensions is a lot more complicated service and this is why also you can make a profitable business. So that's why lots of people are interested in taking but let me tell you, you could also have a very successful last like business is very specialized and niche people will come to see you because you are a member who's just doing lash flips and your results are amazing because you do that all the time and you will just become grow at that rate. Another tip I have would be to start with a heat based lash lift solution. Don't go for the cheap, cheap, cheap bottom barrel, chemical activity solutions because if you try one of those harder as a beginner, it's a lot more stressful to get your time's right and when you do fail, you fail hard. Those lashes are going to be ruined for three months, three whole months. That's a lot harder to recover from when you are a newbie it's really going to crush your self esteem. And it's also going to crush your name when you first have to build build on your customer report. Every client needs to have a great transformation.

And the only way that you can guarantee that is by working with a heat activated solution based solutions like ours they luxury heat activated lash lifts solution and rollup solution that we have. You literally cannot overcome. Learning to get the maximum lift out of your course you don't have to worry about over processing which you do have to worry about with a chemical solution. And with a chemical solution. You're always writing that line between am I not processing these lashes enough and I'm not getting the maximum lift or am I running the risk of over processing and getting damaged? My clients eyes like this picture up here. So my tip is just spring for the extra tiny amount of costs to invest in the luxury solution and learning that one. And in the long run. You are going to also diversify yourself from the market so you are not going to be competing with absolutely everyone who does the chemical lift that everyone and their dog is doing. And you will already have set yourself above the crowd to provide a luxury service even though you're new to the market. So especially if you are in an oversaturated market. That's one way to stand out from the crowd. Do you have any other questions about starting in the beauty business or you're still not sure if it's right for you? Please please please DM me at I love to connect with new artists and talk about lashes and brows and all things beauty related we have collabs that we will customize for you if you are an experienced artist. And you have a blog content also great way to get a break in your day. Super easy way to add on some extra income into your studio from clients that are not suited for lash extensions. Maybe they pick their lashes maybe they are horrible with aftercare or maybe they sleep on their face all these people are great candidates. Hit me up on the DMS at I'd love to chat more about everything beauty related, related. One of the main exciting things about taking your lash lift training is that the time of argument is so much shorter the level of skill required is a lot less the dexterity and usable class is a lot less than in lash extensions. So it is completely possible to learn this service get good at it. And also be nailing your times which means that you can provide more of a luxury experience because people are waiting for such a long time versus lash extensions where it might take you possibly three to five hours. So one of the benefits of learning about lash lift before lash extensions is that you are going to take way less time to learn it that means if you do you have noticed that you have back problems or if you are just not that into this then you haven't wasted a ton of time right you've gotten to test the waters before you dive right in with extensions right on top of lash lift being a lot less of a time commitment to learn. It's also way less expensive, of course because we are not doing as much training there's not as much feedback or coaching required from your instructor not to say that you won't get unlimited coaching at least in our poco and cost is way less and it's also way less taxing on your body. So say you do have an injury or you're recovering from something or you might have be prone to being sore in your back or something like that. Then this is going to be way less also taxing your body which is a good way to just ease into things right don't jump into something that you're not sure you're going to be able to do physically instead invest your time into trying something first like doing the lash lift course. Also, one thing that is awesome is that the lash lift commitment is free painting a lot. So if you don't have a lot of extra time so you're fully employed and you just want to do like one to two hours after work. You can totally do that versus like if you're learning lash extensions, you need to be able to really commit to your focus needs to be there for three ish hours in the beginning. I'm not going to lie I really gear down you have to have those time commitments and your focus has to be there. If your focus isn't there. If you're not sure that you are going to love this industry if you're not sure if you're going to love the work. Start with something like lash lift because you will have to do attention span sitting commitment one two hours to possibly even five hours when you're first starting. And you're the nitty gritty first models that are gonna take forever for you with lashes. So less cost or the course less time commitment, of course, less time commitment for practice and services after that way better return on investment. If you really market yourself well at this service. You can really crank out ROI because it is such a steep learning curve. The learning curve for lash extensions is a little bit more like this and the learning curve for like that. It is a much faster paced learning. It is a lot easier to learn and lash extensions, which takes a lot of repetition, a lot of training hand movements and stuff like that. So you can get better and get at their terminal investment much quicker. So if you're thinking that you want to make a switch in your life, you want to switch things up. You want to do something that you're going to love that's being more inspiring to you than your normal nine to five and you want to just test the waters maybe have a bath problem maybe you are not sure if you're going to like it, please. Starting with lash lift of course instead of lash extension. If you love it, nothing's going to stop you. This is only going to make your journey better and more enriched and it's going to prepare you for lash extensions. But biggest misconception when you are wanting to train for lash extensions is that you should actually start with lash extension training because in my opinion if you start with lash lift intent, then you are going to have a way easier time with lash extensions. You're going to be more comfortable touching models faces which sometimes is hard for people, you are going to have more confidence in your ability as a beauty professional and even just like talking to your client and stuff like that. So in my opinion, it's lift intent and then we want to lash extensions, and it's going to be a much smoother journey for you and if you do decide that this is just not right for you to lot less time and money invested in something that you might not pursue forever. My name is Jenna. Check out this next video for more tips and tricks on getting to beauty business. And don't forget to DM us