Jenna: So today I just wanted to join you on and a little bit about your experience with our collab. And first of all, can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself and like, What first got you into the beauty industry?

Janelle: Yeah, definitely. So I went in cosmetology actually in high school. I wanted to do air and that didn't actually end up working out in my favor. I ended up not wanting to go down that route. Yeah, there's a lot to it. I was like, You know what this like, I was doing it for a little bit. I was barbering, and I was braiding actually, it was a carabiner. And it was actually my pregnant that I realized that I was like, I can't be like on my feet all the time. I need a little bit less. A little bit. So when I was pregnant with my daughter, I was like, You know what, like, I always like I'm lucky my lashes done in chatting with my lash artist being lazy to do and I view this and just like talking with her about how she got into it, and then even just how she's liked it and how she was talking to you how it changed her life and all that stuff. And I was like, You know what, let's just go full sentence. You know what I mean? And so, yeah, I ended up getting into a course it kind of worked with my time with it just because I was also first time I'm at the same time so it was kind of slow getting into my flat when we moved to Kelowna. Like full time. Yeah, it's been a while we were just like, Okay, let's just go die right and I was going to try to get like a second job but then I found out I actually moved out of my home like into space that was picked up like instantly so it was I was like just kidding. We're just gonna go all into it and honestly, it's been great ever since.

Jenna: So how long? Were you in lashing before it really picked up and it was like a full time career for you?

Janelle: Probably about a year like it like they tell you it takes a minute to build a clientele and it does you know an endless little especially because we when we moved here we didn't know anybody we were like new to town you know what I mean? We didn't have friends family like we didn't have those people advocating for us or anything. So it was kind of like all just like building it from the bottom up and yeah, I would say a good solid year yeah for clientele started like rolling in and then so now you've like added new services to like, lift and brown.

We started with lash extensions. That was kind of what I started with. And then I kind of just went off of demand. Honestly, I just got so many people. I had so many natural needs out there that were like to just do lists, and I was like I don't but I would love to you know what I mean? So then I was doing watching segments for probably a year. And then I brought in, listen to his umbrella emanations and then did that for a little bit. And then once I was doing that I was like threading for eliminating chain lash lifting and extensions. And then I've had because I was telling me shinjang I had so many women that were like do you do Microblading which you couldn't make up and I was like yeah, no, but I think I would really like to get into it like I just really wanted to be like an all rounded like brow artists and lash artists. So June 2021 is when I took my brow course here in Kelowna and it was amazing honestly. say enough about it. If you're wondering where to go for her makeup training you check out Ashley at Studio noir in Kelowna. She's amazing so yeah.

Jenna: and did you find like for me when I added those I found I did it because lashing can be kind of monotonous and I love it. But it's kind of like a break from your day.

Job again for like growing up I'm like, you know, let's just drink from Nelson there. It's it's fun. It's awesome. How did you end up finding us? I actually don't even know the story.

Janelle: You guys Yeah. Elevate? Um, honestly, I think it's you just kind of posting it and stuff like that. I think you commented on one of my posts and I'm like, Who's this lady if I like kind of I kind of went on your profile and was like, Oh, wow, okay, he has supplies. She like has a whole brand like you know what I mean? Trainings everything and so I was kind of looked into it. And then I always like when I see someone who is like a supplier I always looking for suppliers, especially new suppliers around me like people are closer to things always for like either his main products or like backup products or anything like that. So I definitely took a peek at your website. For one. I was like water based adhesive. I was like, I want this. Yeah, I was like I wanted to only get on this so bad. What has been your experience with that? And he said, By the way, though, waterbased it's been really great. Honestly, I was kind of skeptical about it. So I was like, Well, back in the day. You know what I mean? They're like, so you can't make as much as he said without certain accolades and all these different things. It was such like, a known fact. So like when I seen that waterbased he's about having cyanoacrylate and I was like it was honestly phenomenal for any other lash artists watching this right now. If you're trying to find another adhesive, it's great. Yeah, I know. It just works really well. Like I just needed it to be like fast acting just for me like my main issue glues and what I look for is like, it does need to be pretty fast. I find stickies just happen and I'm just like, Oh, my God, I'm just cursing at Yeah. I know. He says it's been honestly amazing.

Jenna: Yeah, I found I like brought it like I started experimenting with that adhesive for my clients who are more sensitive, because we actually started with another adhesive on our line and then I just ended up using it on everyone because I was like why the heck not and also for my own personal sensitivities because I found my eyes was starting to get rival I was lashing so I was like if I don't need to why not just use that less Kenya adhesive so that I am not exposed to those toxins as well like this can be a little harsh can be so you were our first collab artists we I kind of actually this whole collapsing for you. Because I just was like, oh my God and I really want you to try this product as well when you were ordering the lash adhesive. And so can you tell us a little bit about your experience with the collabs since you're like the first girls went Oh, that sounds good.

I didn't even think I was waiting. No, it's not on policies been great. I honestly assume I found out about it. I was like, this is stellar. Like this is like next level because for me like I said I did in relegations, but I'm gonna be honest, I didn't like offering it because the line of like over processing to know over processing brows especially like my lashes and chances are for sure like that's I still offered the traditional one. But the it was a brow elimination that I just I never wanted to offer and you don't really know we mean you're just slapping the solution on like on your entire brow like obviously you haven't timed stuff based on like the route structure and stuff like that. But at the same time, like you're crossing the entire length of the pair, not just like the route right essentially, which is what you want. So you're kind of just like hope for the best. You know what I mean? Low Keys, I would just I never I never felt comfortable. I never wanted to have my clients leave within like, we're like we'd go in and be like, hey, it's something where I was willing, super appreciate. Yeah, no tangible for processing. Also just like the luxury aspect of it of having like a heat mask and being like, wow, I personally would love that. I always just go based on what I would like to do, like, you know what I mean? Like, I think I would go by that I would go get that service time. You know what I mean? And so I think that's what really pushed me to get into it. And then also feel like I have I've created quite a few clients so they're also get like just nutritional lash left to right. And I thought I think it'd be really great for them to try you know, honestly, no bad things. I always tell my clients after they've gone and done like just to see how they liked it like what their experience was every every one of them love that. Like we do they did photos I did the Brown case on myself and I was like this is naive I wish I just wasn't doing it on myself like it was actually waiting to do it but no, I loved it. It was good and yeah, my time so far been loving it. So that's great. I'm excited.

Jenna: And what was like the learning curve for bringing it on into your studio like how like you took the online training with us did the online course like prepare you for bringing onboarding into your studio? How long was it till you felt confident using the product?

Janelle: Honestly, because you because we did quite a few models for each service for the last leg and the brow lift. And I'm actually really thankful for that. Because each reach model that I got and like I learned something different, like online training can always be a little bit iffy because like, you can't fully ask questions like as you're learning it, you're gonna need some kind of trial and error. So I'll give you one of my models turned out beautifully but during the service I like I said like there'd be some areas where I was like, I'm getting a little bit of like buildup in some areas that it's just taking me a long time to get rid of like how do I process that which honestly helped out phenomenally for that. so thank you so much for

the DMS forever. Yeah, that worked out really well. and yeah, you're really pumped on that. so that worked. out. But honestly, that was pretty much the only thing was just like, and then when I was wanting to do both at the same time like okay like. Again, amazing that you can offer because no transport we're processing them. So like if you'd say like your brows are a little bit more finicky while you're doing a lash lift, you can put heat back on. And like you don't even have to not worry about over processing the lashes. If you're needing more time with the brows. You can just isolate and just do the brown stuff like this. It's just so volatile on what you can do with it, which I liked about it. So it was really good. I think the whole experience was really eye opening. And I liked it. I liked it because I like continuing my education in the industry. And so when I seen that I was able to really just put something new out there that no one else is really doing. I haven't seen anyone do it also either so when did you develop this product like, easily?

Jenna: So yeah, we've been testing it since COVID. Basically, like in my town and especially like I had a really big busy studio for a while. And it's kind of a funny niche market we had like when I first opened my studio four or five years ago, actually like the whole town had not heard of lash extensions still. And so it was kind of like know what that means. There was also no one really doing it. So I was like I was lucky enough to actually have my instructor move temporarily to my town for the first six months to work in my studio with me, which was epic. But um, so then once I started getting super busy and the demand grew there was like no one who really was educated in the area. And so was like at least a four to five hour drive for anyone to get any training. So that's what I like decided, okay, I have to start training otherwise, like it's just life is just too crazy and like we need more services here in this area. So then I was like what lines am I going to train and didn't want to start training something I didn't fully believe in so then I started talking to lots of of creating different solutions and then just like finding out what can be done and so yeah, when I discovered that you don't need those super toxic chemicals instead, you can apply heat and take the chemicals out. It was like a no brainer, it is much more expensive to produce as a supplier. So I think that's why you don't see it as much really it's like quite a bit more expensive like than the traditional solutions. And it's harder for them to stabilize the product. So there was like a, they have to figure out how to do that. So now we have this product that I tested. For two years in my studio so I can guarantee it's like stable the shelf life producing consistent results and never once have I seen over processing in my studio so over the two years so I'm very confident in that claim. And so also like as I did bring people on in my studio, it was such a lifesaver because when they're training and using the solution, I don't have to worry about them under processing lashes or over processing which is like then for three months the client has to deal with having their crispy for eyebrows and lashes. And that just like is like a bad Google review happening like waiting. For me. That was just a no brainer. And so yeah, things just came to was after COVID and just started working on these things. And then eventually it got to the point where I had like the lash adhesive that I was like Kate, I can't make this I don't think any better and it's like tested at my studio and same thing with the lift kit and so yeah, and then he just, it was like just time to launch for me. So this is like how this all happened and how elevate came about really perfect. Yeah.

Jenna: And so did you raise your price and offer it or have you priced it

Janelle: Yeah, so my traditional one is 85 and then I priced this one? That 110 Yeah. And then I'm trying to see how that goes. But I feel like there's a pretty fair price for it. Yeah, there's, I know that there's other like traditional lifts out there that are being priced at like 100 You know, so I don't think it's really that far off. So I kind of like the first point honestly, I think that's pretty fair and I haven't had any like backlash on it at all like I've had people be like yeah, that's pretty fair for like what you're offering with it like what it gives you too because you are using like I'm just like safer product essentially like you're not has their eyes on those chemicals and stuff that aren't like that are in the traditional one but that we've now taken out for the liquid activated one right like you're just just that much more of a step ahead above the traditional ones. So I think it's been fair, but I think yeah, no, I think it's, it's been really good lately, like as I've been kind of implementing it and talking about it. I think it's been awesome.

Jenna: Yeah, I think for brow lamination too, like as you keep going, the more people are exposed to it and then they realize like Oh my It's I think a lot of people don't even know that their brows are getting over processed. All style brown lamination they just think it's normal for them to be really hard and like crispy, like feeling but people are exposed to like oh my gosh can stay soft and silky once they get that experience I think the price point will make sense to them for sure. Yeah.

Janelle: Really understanding that part, right. Like, like I think I was anytime I did for anyone who's gone out I had a few ladies that came in that had like have gotten elevations done in the past. And so I will just ask them like, Have you ever had your rounds get to like a point where and I would just show them this photo like I'm like no, like kind of wiry, like frizzy almost. And then we're like I think I know what I'm talking about. And then when I said that I showed my picture there was like they were like that was my brows after like a couple of a weekend a few days and you know what and and so I'm just like, that's honestly super unfortunate but also super common. And you know what? People don't know, like I've heard in the industry is that people really just don't know what they don't know. I've been really trying to really just talk to each client who's who shows any interest in it and to really just try to educate them on like, how this product can be different from others.

Jenna: And I find like when there's lots of people who will come to you with those problems, and then you can actually fix them to without damaging them even further. Like if someone comes in with damage on the top of the lashes and then you're like waiting to lift them again and using traditional solutions so scary to like actually have them break from further damage, but it to me, instead you can use the new solution to like straighten them out and also rehab them. I had a client yesterday. I actually posted pictures of my story after this. She had like super frizzy lashes last time I processed them and then this time she came in and they looked like just healthy brows even for Phil which if you guys aren't doing lash lift or brow lamination Phil's I would get on that because it really creates like that loyalty. And it's cool because when you have people coming in for fuel to get to see the car like they come in every six to eight weeks and so you can see that damage to be repaired back to normal after one session with a luxury heated lift. So that's another really, really awesome benefit. You can offer your clients. We've had people come in with like damage lashes and needed to use a heat activated lift to like kind of replenish them. Yeah.

So the solution is actually built on keratin itself like instead of those toxic chemicals. So when we're like making the hair malleable in a lash lift, it's a really good opportunity to like replace really good stuff into the hair and kind of like rebuild it. So using keratin to make the lift. It's actually like reinforcing and restructuring the hair and rebuilding it instead of tearing it down with the non heat based companies like the ones that create an exothermic reaction chemically. That's what I am and so yeah, you are rebuilding to a certain level so you are able to process and rebuild. I always always always like no just disclaimer with this client so because you don't know what has happened to them before how damaged they are. So they will always be better but they might not be the best and they might still see a little bit of damage like one or two sessions after, but it will 100% be better than if they like Believe it or if they go to another traditional like chemical based lash lift so or lamination. Well, that's amazing.

Janelle: That's perfect. That's that's good to know. That's awesome.

Jenna: Totally so it's been so good having you on the collab and is there anything else you'd like to tell everyone about the product or your experience or

Janelle: honestly my experience has been nothing but phenomenal like you and there's another also carries it like lash I said Sydney in transport yeah like she was helped me a little bit too when she was helping you. D was yeah, I reached out to her because I was just like, You know what, like, there's just a few questions I had with the processing times like, like, do I use the heat on the tins I had messaged her about like some processing times as to like, what she would recommend and stuff like that before I got some models in and then you have to shut me out a bit which was really awesome. So I appreciated that but yeah, the whole experience honestly was amazing. So if I know you're saying you're doing like you want to do a collab with like a town or city.

Yeah, I'm trying to do that just to get honestly get the word out but also be able to promote and doing all these kinds of clubs because it's really fun for me to build up someone else's business but also I think it's like you rise by elevating others to represent Yeah, that's like what feels best to for me. So yeah, I'm trying to like work with a different person in each town to get the product out there and to also be able to focus on everyone too because if I take on too many people the quality of like education and onboarding is gonna go down. So if you are wanting to get onto the cloud with me right away because you might still have an opening in your town, but so far we've had like requests from places in South Carolina and New York. Yeah, So all over the place and it fits in every town then there's like an opportunity for the clients of that town to get that experience and I feel like that's like the best way to help people and really give artists a boost at the same time.

Janelle: Well, that's perfect. I'm so happy to be honestly, I think this product is gonna kill I think you're gonna do great with like, everyone's I'm already tired. I'm telling people about I'm like, listen, we all come but I used to be great. I didn't really I want to say just excited to see like other artists, too. You know what I mean? Just bring it down into like, like you said elevate their business, but then also being able to like also offer like not just safer method.

And like more than jury is method at the same time for their clients to I think it's just going to help everybody all around so great.

Jenna: Well, it's if anyone is in Kelowna, and they want to try out this service go to Jlux.Aesthetics I have her posted we'll be posting before and afters of her work on our page so you can follow her and find her and or you can probably DM her and ask her questions to

display. Definitely let me know anything you guys want to know. Thank you so much for joining us. Of course, of course. Thanks so much for having me. It was awesome. I've never done a live so this was kind of fun. Awesome.

Great. So we'll catch up with you on in the DMs later.

Janelle: Perfect, amazing. Well have a great work day and I'm working today so pushing up in my lap but yeah, I'm embarrassed of your Saturday. Thank you. Okay, bye