Jenna: So I've been getting some questions of what kind of heat is great enough to use a product line? Or where the heat based product line and question is a great one because not all masks are created the same and I've had to learn this trial and error and the worst thing is when you have a master's thesis and you go to use it and your clients will setup and then the heat you are you could use a traditional product and then you're gonna have to like probably downgrade their service and lose precious money and the service alternative is awesome. So first of all, my advice would always be have two on hand because I was just straight practice with anything if you've watched bad when I have to unhand anything that could break on you and you're dreaming services, right? Even a tweaker want to have an extra tweeter. According to the survey.

During the service. It's never gonna be the same again and you need to have something else to produce the same results but you also don't want to be ordering the team half a million times or have worse yet have it not consistently heating. So it's warm, the client tells you it's warm, but it's not functioning the right way. So I have done a lot of research on this. I've been using a bunch of different products and ordering from so many different places. So this is a one heat mask. I'm gonna share the link with you guys down below this heat mask that's pictured here. I've been using it for about a year in my studio. It is amazing. It can be sometimes too hot for clients. So whenever you do use this mask, I recommend that you ask them first of all, if they have any burning or stinging that that is not normal for this service and they should let you know right away because you need to check the products in their eye but also we're going to need to see if there seems to be under skin. And this is especially if you're using any kind of elimination product or maybe they have had some sort of service before that you don't know about where they're using or some sort of a skin solution that's going to make their skin extra sensitive. So check in with these clients beforehand because if they are super sensitive caffeine also can make you more sensitive then you will get irritation from it. So the awesome thing about this heat passes can bump it down to the next heat down so you can always start them on high and then if it's too much up and down to medium so let them know if it's burning on your skin too hot then just let me know and I'll bump it down to the next level. And also tell them if it's not hot at all to let you down because there is a safety timer and a safety heat switch on this one that that will flip it off. So in the middle of the service, it might go cold, which is a good thing because it's not going to bring the client and there are lots of ones from China. You're shorting officer on site direct from China lots of those like very from a company that's not going to ever get sued so they don't care about the quality of the product right you have something electrical and some space so please order the one that it's high quality and so this one, it's on Amazon but I found it to be super high quality from a reputable supplier. It's not the cheapest one out there but it is quality and in my experience has lasted really long time consistent heat results which will give you the best service and why are we not retailing a heat mask? That's what everyone else is into? Well, I'm not in the business of creating heat masks.

I don't know anything about the heat masks to poetry or any of that gizmo stuff so I have left that to someone who does what that end. For me to offer the products on my site, I'd have to charge a fee for doing that work and having my band and doing all the taxes and stuff so it doesn't make sense for me to do that offering so like because it's the least expensive way for you to get the most awesome thing and generally on my site and we will always share with you where to get the most often thing for the least expensive and if it's not through us, we will share the link with you. So I think that's something that separates us from a lot of different piece of my companies because most of them will let you do that legwork or they will offer you something it'll be more expensive. And eventually you just figure it out and order it from the other sites but I think just make it easy for you guys. If you're going for a site you see know an ad for one of our programs lbpd education we do this to take you through all the tips and tricks that we've gone through to find all these little pieces to in business that we don't provide. We're consistently dropping prices for you and the quality of these. So genuinely, it's clear to you that you aren't the best price possible. And so that's why we don't carry some of these things because it's just not in the best interest of our clients or our students. So why would we just link you up on that super awesome and cheaper. So if you guys have any other questions, keep them coming. I'm always going to try and update you guys through the YouTube channel and lots of our YouTube content does trickle through our Instagram as well so that everyone's on the same page. I'd like to share with this other video with you guys, too about our x and if you're looking for a way to improve your business next year, check this video up to last week's video but if you didn't catch it, it's pretty good and it will open up two days for you and things to think about and how you can improve over the next year.