Jenna: So in the series about competing in the luxury lash market I just wanted to cover adhesives as well. I see a lot of people who are going on the no-no trend towards using Amazon adhesives because they are getting some good retention apparently. And it's just a cop out for actually learning how to work with your adhesives I think and although you might be getting these results, you are also getting a lot of allergic reactions and I know because I see them in my studio from other places coming in.

And because in the past I might have been one of these people to experiment with these diseases myself and I've seen a lot of red eyes, tears, swelling a lot of different things that did not provide a luxury experience for my clientele. And I learned by experience found new products that were much better to work with much easier and developed some techniques also that I want to share with you in this video that can help your lash career as well as will make it so that you don't need to rely on a super toxic me unpredictable adhesive mixed from China with no kind of integrity possibly of ingredients at all. So hang out with me through this video and I will show you some tips and tricks so that you can set your studio above and stand out in the luxury market in your area.

So first thing first I think if you're not using water-based adhesive then that is something you definitely need to be looking at in your studio because that is something that I have switched to it's a little bit more expensive, but it's a much higher quality ingredients and I have found personally in my application I do lots and lots of sets I've been testing with multiple different adhesives and formulating lab and the water-based adhesive that we are using for the last two years has had zero reactions like even everyone who comes into a reaction from someone else all the final accurate and girls who can have extensions, no one has reacted to this adhesive so far. So I'm really excited to share it with everyone through our product launch. It's live now on our website and the link is below if you want to check it out. There are other water-based adhesives out on the market I would caution you also because I do know it it's very expensive to develop one of these adhesives and to produce the ingredients. So if you're finding one that's less expensive, there's probably a reason why I would say just cautionary because I know before we launched there was another person who was trying to get our and he said that we had given birth so she had some of my clients and clients allergic reaction. She's like Jenna, can you please show me some of that adhesive as waiting on my products?

So I couldn't so she ordered from another site. And unfortunately that client when I saw her and she came back to my studio because ad tech ordered another water based adhesive from another site of the same quality or ingredients and so that client ended up with another allergic reaction on my table. So love that client and don't mind it but I just would like to point out that not everything is maybe the same especially if you're finding something at a lower price point is probably the reason why might not be of the same quality. So it is a little bit hierarchical but there is because it works so well not to say that you're gonna be the first person to have an allergic reaction, your studio, it's all within adhesive, but from my experience very, very, very, very unlikely. So luxury market definitely isn't wanting to come out there looking bloodshot and there are definitely going to have other options they do not have time to move. It is not to want to be doing to provide a luxury experience. So if you're having allergies in your studio, please please please consider switching to the water-based adhesive and then checking out these tips afterwards because these tips are going to also help you with avoiding those reactions in your studio. So one tip I have that lots of people don't know about is when you're using your tape on your on your eyepad, if it is cotton based. So look at this micropore tape up here. The white cotton on top is actually going to produce an exothermic reaction when it mixes with your adhesive. So if you don't know what that is exothermic reaction leads heat base so it burning and that burning is going to cause fumes into your clients eyes. So every time you touch your lash down, if you hit the micropore tape underneath on top of your pad, then you're creating this reaction and you might not see the smoke and the burning but it's actually going to be affecting their eyes and this is the number one thing that is happening to some techs and they just don't know about it.