Jenna: Hey guys, I'm Jenna the owner of Elevate lash, I just wanted to pop on here and do a little series for you guys to think that going forward in the beauty industry, it's now more important than ever to diversify your business. And this is what people are craving. This is what people are needing to succeed in their markets. And this is kind of where we're going everyone right now is like ordering the same great products from the same great places. And that's awesome because we're all doing great work. But when it comes to a market like this, and when the market is getting so saturated by so many great artists, it's not okay to just be great. You have to set yourself above the crowd and you have to look for those things that make you stand out, make you special, unique. 

That is if you are looking to compete in the luxury market, and that is where people are going to be less price sensitive, and you're going to find a lot more success for your business and honestly I don't coach to anything but people like who are wanting to be participating in the luxury market. So if you are not shut down this video, get back to the $6 lashes because you're going to need to make enough money to succeed. Just joking but seriously, if you're doing six year old lashes, no one cares what you're doing. It doesn't matter. Don't invest in training. Don't do any of these things. Because it's not worth a trade. But if you are looking to set yourself up ahead and compete in the luxury market, you do have to be thinking about these things. So this series is going to be talking a lot about the different things that you can do to set yourself ahead and create success in your business and maybe other people aren't doing right now. So the first thing that I want to tackle is premiums versus companies and I'll just tell you straight out if you're using promo codes or pre mates, there is a better way and I know that there's been a lot of misinformation and honestly I think that the product lines have changed and are pumping this misinformation out because they are making more money off of these premiums.

 I don't know if anyone else has noticed that the quality of lashes like point 03 Anything mega volume has gone completely down and basically since COVID I have recognized my theory is that the lash companies have saturated the market and they are looking to make more money and build upon their sales and how do they do that? They have to market another thing. So a lot of companies that have always advertised that they would never they don't recommend doing pre maids or probates and that handpan isn't the way to go. They have totally turned a ship and they are now preaching from a premade and simultaneously almost there handpan lashes that used to sound like butter that used to be so easy to use or now garbage it takes like so long he's been so this is actually one of the things that brought me into making my own product line because of the frustration of seeing my favorite product lines go to complete garbage and having my times my sets go up because the amount of work I was having to do to find these lashes was like absurd compared to like what was happening before where they just spread like butter I was finding that was hard to maintain quality and his hands on my sets were going up it just something had to give and so I set to fix this problem. I first I was like am I going crazy or is this actually happening? And I have talked to other artists who have their for this problem. In their business. So I set out to make a lash line that was not going to be sacrificing this quality for artists so that we can continue hand panning or myself I could continue hand painting in my studio that was very important to me to maintain the luxury aspect in my business

Anyways, if you haven't tried them, try the point 02 lashes of our lash line and I promise if you thought you never could find had mega volume. If you've been having trouble ever learning to hand fan, but you've taken a course try these lashes because it's going to change the game and everyone brags about how probably premiums are so fast these lashes are going to be just as fast for you. They're going to be way less expensive, and they're gonna be way more customizable for your clients and your lash sets, which is what the game is about. Right. So let's just go into a little bit of why you're going to be setting yourself apart so much by using the headphones versus the Promate pre made and the main reason is because it is by far the way to get the best retention like seen here. Wrapping around the natural lash is a good way of getting a secure bond. When you just attach a promo a pre made on top of a lash it's like doing a set of classic lashes you do not get the wrapping effect and you do not get the tight bond that comes with the adhesive having multiple points of contact onto that lash. Also the weight distribution is off for that natural lash. If you're doing a site placement, you're creating torque on that natural lash the whole mega volume pan is torquing that lash the whole time is sitting there if you're using a Promate cremate because it does not equally displace the the weight around that whole natural lash. 

So when you are describing it with a handmade fan, then the chance of damaging when you're doing those thick, beautiful like stylee mega volume sets. It's not going to be as damaging or damaging at all if you do them right because it's wrapped around that lash and that weight is spread evenly. Because it can wrap those bands are loose right and they wrap around it instead of having all the fans together even if it's heat based or heat bonded Promi pre made when you stick it there since there's not opening up with a base to allow for even distribution of weight. It's just on the side like a classic lashing except where you have not a classic lash there. And we also don't want to be giving the same value to our clients who are paying for mega volume set the classic lash set like eventually there's going to be a time in the market which is coming very soon where clients are going to be savvy they are going to know the difference between pre made pre made and they're going to be looking for the quality. Just like if you showed up to your hairdresser and they opened up a box box dye and they give you a box blonde. You would not be looking to return there you would not be expecting to pay a quality luxury service price. Quite frankly, it would be really disturbing and those reasons why they go to school for years to learn their technique and to develop it so that they can apply their artistic techniques in a professional way to provide a luxury service right and because they are providing a luxury service that does take more education to provide they are successful in their career and that is how they are known and same thing for us. Like if we are working with the premium primates. It's basically like taking a box dye to your clients hair and just is not a luxury service at all, as this is developing in the lash industry. So us might have been able to get away with this for a little period of time here because there's a little bit of a lag between artists education and clients education but with everything out there on Instagram, and YouTube it's only a matter of time before our luxury clients are getting savvy to this and looking for places that have this education are skilled in these techniques are giving superior artistic service rather than the same old classic lash application but using a volume styling and you cannot even get the diversity of styling when you are using premium pomades I carry so many lashes in my kit in the salon and if I were to carry the same amount of promo premiums to get the same amount of combinations and literally would have 1000s of trays and how would I sort through those 1000s of trays on stock to be able to provide the same kind of customization on my sets that I can provide by hand Fanning?

I wouldn't and that's why no one else does who is using premium premium fans and that's why it's not a luxury service. And for this little bit of time that people are not educated on this the client's you're gonna get away with it. But if you don't provide the luxury service over time, once the customer gets educated on this, your studio is just not going to have that edge to be in the luxury market anymore. So this brings me to my final point. If you're using Premiere Pro means especially I try to reinforce this with all my students. It is a crutch and it is hindering you from taking that next step to really hone in on your founding technique. If you are learning how counting if you're practicing it in your studio, you are going to get better over time. And you will bring your set times down my set time when I first started hand fanning was about six hours. Now in the studio. I can complete a full set hand finding in two hours usually depending on the lashes of course if someone comes in with a million lashes it might take me a little bit longer but two hours is usually for every lash and you will get there too if you practice but you will not get there ever if you start using Peruvian pomades because it will be a crutch that is going to hold you back you're also going to be attracting a market that is not going to allow for you to charge what you are deserving to be paid for your services. 

So if you are aiming to be a part of the luxury market going forward in the future I do suggest that you get on the bandwagon bandwagon if you are using Premiere Pro mediates force yourself to try and happen at least half of that set and then wean yourself off of the cremate pomades and really get that practice in with those clients because you should be able to transition within a year to all pre made pomades it's gonna save you so much money. It's gonna allow you so much customization in your sets. And it's really going to gear you up to be a part of that luxury market as all of our clients get educated on what's really up with premium pomade fans and start looking or choosing technicians that are skilled instead of technicians that are using the crutches like premade Promate vans that are more akin to using a box die if you're like a hair salon for instance. So I would encourage you to seek out product lines that do not sell pre made Promate vans because in my experience, the quality of their volume lashes in my experience is way lower. And it's I think on purpose I'm just gonna say because they make more money selling premium pomade. So why would they care about their hands on volume? It's not to their advantage to make it easy for you to handpan it's to their advantage that you switch to premium PROMIX so they can make more money. So look for a brand that is backing hand found lashes and as a luxury brand that is going to help you save time when you're hand tightening and get back into it and make it super easy. Instead of continuing with this with the same brands that you know we're challenging for you to hand them in the beginning. If you have any questions I'd love to help you DM me at on Instagram I'm the most active or leave me a comment below on the YouTube video. We have a bunch of different products that we can help you troubleshoot what's going to help you the most to get you switched over from premium chromates back onto Handfasting so that you can participate in the luxury market. And be charging a higher price point and marketing to a clientele that is going to be less price sensitive coming up especially with recession times etc etc. 

Next we're going to talk about adhesive and we'd love for you guys to join us on that conversation. So check it out next week. Hit the like button and subscribe if you learned something today and DM me if you have any other questions that you'd like me to cover in upcoming videos.