Jenna: Did you know that it can take a full three months to regrow your lashes and browse after a bad lash lift or a brow lamination or brow lift in this video, I'm gonna talk to you about what to do if it's happened to you and how to recover from this situation and what to do. If you're an artist who has done this accidentally to someone and how to prevent this from never happening to you ever again.

Make sure you listen to the end and that is the key. I think everyone should be aware of how to set yourself up so that this will never happen so that you will always have the best results with zero chance of frying your client's lashes or going to a service where you are going to receive possibly fried lashes.

Maybe you had overprocessed lashes that looked like this, or maybe you had over-curled lashes that looked like this or crispy fry browse that kind of looked like this. These are all things that we want to avoid. And so how can you fix this? So there's no easy answer to this chemical-based products. They change and restructure the hair, and they are very stripping, especially if they're not heat based products, they're fully chemical based products because a heat based product does take some of the chemicals that are most dripping out.

And instead of that, the heat is the activated ingredient that does. Instead of the chemicals that are Al ultra drying and stripping. So if you have had this done, unfortunately, there's a component of time where you just have to wait because if you do something too soon, it's just gonna get worse. So there's lots of places that will say castor oil, coconut oil.

It's not really gonna do too much for you. Time is like the main thing you can condition those lashes in the meantime. And then, um, it is possible to try heat activated. Solutions. So like our heat activated lash lift solution that we retail for professional clients, it actually rebuilds the structure of the hair instead of stripping.

So that can give good results depending on how badly your lashes are damaged, because if it came like this, then you unfortunately might need to let it grow out before I would even recommend doing a relaxation because the relaxation, which is the straightening. Going from curled to straighter your natural lashes is still a chemical process.

And in doing that, you can actually break off the lashes because if they're so damaged, growing out is the only way to really fix them. But so before you go for a relaxation, I would try heat based product and skip anything that's just chemical activated because that chemical activated process. It's going to just lead to more damage to your lashes.

So call up the salon that you're thinking of going to ask them if they have a heat BA based lash lift, or if it's chemical based, if it's fully chemical based, you know that it will just provide more damage to your lashes. Don't go there. You wanna find that products. So others, a couple other products that are infusion based products that actually rebuild and strengthen the.

And they're all heat based though, because those chemicals it's really important to have them removed in order to be able to do that. So that is one option for you to fix your lashes. And it's unfortunate that it is a little bit of time, but wait about five to seven days, and then depending on how.

Friday, your lashes are, make sure you send a picture to the technician, or you can send a picture to me through the link. You'll find my link to the Instagram at elevate lash CA or you can email me a picture,, I'll help you out even if you're not in my town, my area, we might have a technician that's trained in our program in your area that can help you.

And I can match you guys together. Five to seven days, you can try that. And if it works, then you are good to go. And if not, unfortunately, you have to just wait it out and invest in a really good lash conditioner. And you can try the things like oils and CMS like that. That will definitely help. But time is unfortunately the only thing that is going to help at that stage before you get to that stage.

How about exercising? Some preventative measures. To prevent this from happening to you, prevent it from being a possibility, invest in, uh, going to a technician who is thoroughly trained in a product line that is heat based. That is infusion-based and not chemical based and stripping because every time you have a chemical-based service like that, there is a potential that the chemistry of your lash could have shifted.

Even if you're used to getting this service regularly because of the composition of your lash has changed. And there's not really a way of knowing that it's trial and error, right? Eventually you might run into a situation where you have an overprocessed or what you have to do as an artist to make sure that that's not going to happen is under process.

And that will lead to lesser result, especially when you're dealing with brow lamination. But that's why. So many brow lamination go wrong because the texture of the hair is so different between some of the WIS beer hairs and the thicker more coarse brow hairs, um, antigen and tine and catagen, all those different hair growths in there.

They're all at different stages. And when we're doing a lash lift, we can apply the solution to the base of the lashes and leave out the tips with a chemical solution. But we can't do that as easily with a brow lift and get the same result. And so that's why. Using the less chemical based solution opting for a technician who's trained in the heat based solution.

Or switching as an artist yourself to a heat based solution is gonna give you the best result every time without worrying about overprocesing your client's hair. And so you just get that consistency. It is typically a more expensive service because you're not using those chemicals. It takes a little bit longer because you are processing with heat, but it's.

Ends up being a much more comfortable service for lots of clients and a lot less allergies are provoked too. So your client has an easier time with tinting at the end. There's just so many benefits. Cheaper is not always better. If you do chemical lash lifts back to back to if your client has a slower hair growth, or like if you as have a hair, slower hair growth, say your diet changes your hormone change.

All these different things. You are going to be layering that damage from the chemical processes over top of one or another, because you're not getting the regular regrow. And so conversely, when you're using a heat based solution, you are actually nourishing the hair in a lot of different situations.

Make sure you're. Researching the product or choosing someone who's using our product line, which features an infusion step that actually goes in and rebuilds the hair and increases the actual diameter of the hair because of the hydration component, where we are delivering so much hydration to that lash, it is open and, um, strengthening the lash.

Then we close the cuticle and that's when the curl gets sealed in there. So if you're not sure whether you're booking in for a heat based lash lift or a chemical based lash lift, just ask your technician and do a lot of research. If you are a lash artist, who's interested in switching your product line over and wants to know more about this heat based product.

If it, you think it can help you and your clients, or as a client, if you think that you would like this in your salon, please bring it up to your lash. For a limited time, we are offering free certification and upgrading of training for all certified lash and brow lift techs to upgrade their training, to switch over to this he based product that will guarantee no all over processing of the brows and always the best lift possible.

So head to the link right below here, and we'd love to help you out, but for the love of God, ditch the Amazon kits. Don't think about doing this service at home on yourself. I would never do this service on myself and I've done literally thousands of these lifts. It takes you way longer. The, um, opportunity for potentially blinding yourself is really high and you're just not going to get as good of a service doing it by yourself.

So join us next week. Uh, for another episode on lash lift 1 0 1, we're going to be doing these little mini series to. Educate all our clients and professional artists to help make this industry better. If this video has been helpful to you, please consider subscribing below or liking and check out our other videos.

We've gone through everything. If you want to branch out into learning, lash, extensions, all the things that you're gonna need to know before committing to a course to ensure your success.