Hey guys, it's Jenna, the owner of Elevate Nelson BC, just talking on here again for a weekly video. It has been a super crazy day in the studio. This is going to be a little bit of a short episode, but I did want to just hop on here and provide some value for you guys, because we are on the topic of classic lash courses.

And there so much to say about that. But the biggest thing, I think the number one thing that's so shocking for me when someone wants to be a lash artist, is that when they have never had lash extensions before, how can you not help lash extensions and know that you're going to be passionate about them, that you're going to love?

But you're going to know how to take care of them and that you can come and play. Genuine passionate about them. I do have a little classic lashes on, thank you so much, Taylor. Taylor did my classic lash course just, um, oh, I think a couple months ago. Um, and she's doing amazing. We just did point ones for a really natural look.

I just didn't want to do anything too crazy. Really liking a natural look right now for myself. So important to share your passion for lash extensions with people in a genuine way. And if you've never had lash extensions, then you really can't speak from this experience. And in my opinion, you will never be as good to last check because you will not be as inspired by the service.

Have as much experience in the service, you will not know from firsthand perspective what to do and how to do it for the best client care retention. And you just won't be speaking from a place of experience, like true experience to your clients. And that's really going to show through in your work. So if you have never had lash extensions and you were wanting to sign up for a course, you don't know what course you.

The best thing to do is start getting some lash extensions, do not go for the bargain basement, lash extensions, the ones that are $60 for a full set. This is not the experience you want to learn to provide for someone. So you do not want to be learning those experiences unless you're maybe looking for comparison reason, that would be really helpful, perhaps.

But I would say go to someone who you know, is going to be providing the kind of experience you want to be providing to your class. And then invest in that service and really. Take time to see how they address your aftercare, how they coach you for good aftercare.

Really, it takes about three appointments to get into a good cycle with your own lashes and just the habits that you're going to need form.

If you have a really quality lash, She will coach you to that and make sure that your coach to success. Once you learn how to do that for yourself, it is so much easier to speak from experience to your clients. If you don't have that experience, if you have not done it yourself, if you've never struggled through bad retention to get good retention, you just, just like anything else.

If you don't speak from experience, you will always not have. Genuine advice to give to your clients. So I just really challenge you. It's such a small, simple little piece of advice, but if you are looking at being a lash extension artist, and you are serious about this, please, please, please go. . If you need to travel, take a vacation, go to a bigger city and research and artists that you want to model, or the instructor that you're going to take the course.

That is always the best way, in my opinion, and develop a relationship with them as a client and really take notes on your experience. Take notes on the aftercare instruction. And those are the valuable things that you will learn by on the other side of the service that you actually won't necessarily learn by taking the course as thoroughly, because you will never learn something as thoroughly.

From someone telling you it, then you actually experiencing it, internalizing that experience and practicing and living that experience. So please, please, please. If you are trying to be a lash artist, and if you are serious about it, you're planning on investing your hard earned money, please. Take a second, have the services, get the experience from a customer perspective and trust me, it is going to pay you back in spades.

It is definitely something that you cannot learn from not going through it yourself, even the way it feels to have someone apply lashes to you and things that feel good things that don't feel good. You will know this when you were applying them on a human hand. Uh, your client will give you some feedback, but there's nothing that is the same.

You will never have the same experience as if you were actually having it done yourself. The other added advantage to this, which should go without saying is you become your own billboard. And especially if you live in a town where lash extensions are not yet super popular, like lots of the small towns in like rural BC or, um, perhaps in Spokane, Washington, or any of those areas, lots of rules.

Across Canada, that lash extensions are not there yet. So if you live in one of those towns, you really should go get those lash, extensions, travel. Even if you have to, because you will be the best billboard everyone is going to notice something's different about you. They will likely not know what. That is like a perfect opening to segwaying talking about your business and why you feel so passionate about it and how you're able to bring that to them.

Absolutely. The best advertising that you were going to have the best way to reach out to new client potential clients and the best way for you to learn how experience, how, what kind of experience you're going to want to impart on your clients, how to coach them to get great returns. 'cause if you don't learn to coach someone to get the good retention and he can learn this a little bit in class, but again, not as seriously as if you are internalizing it by actually going through the struggle yourself, you will always struggle as a client.

If you do not nail that after care portion with your clients and coaching them, learning to coach them to success, because it is really a two-way street. There was a lot of things that they, you are going to do in the studio, but there was a lot of things that you have to talk to your client about too.

And so. Just really encourage you to go get that experience for yourself and not, not, not to mention you are going to love having extensions. It's going to save you a lot of time and it's like, you're, it's like having your uniform on at work. So if you have any other questions about lash courses or what you should do to get prepared to be a lash artist, I would love to help you out.

There are so many things that you might not think about, but they will come to you after this video. Or as you do your research and please DM me, I'm at elevatelash.ca. My name is Jenna and the owner Elevate Nelson BC. We do online training in-person training, and we just launched elevate beauty supply.

I'd be so happy to help you out, um, completely unbiased perspective, straight talking. So thanks so much for joining me on another episode of Elevate Yourself podcast and YouTube channel now. And we'll see you next week with another topic covering more on lash course 101.