Jenna: So today I really wanted to talk about preventative products that we all should be using and I love to talk about things that can help with anti-aging or like didn't you time like permanent makeup but this is the one thing that you can be doing every day that is gonna save you the most time and the most money and the most headache in the future with your beauty care routine. And it is also this one thing that I when I have my conversations in the studio with clients the one thing that is completely missing from most girls daily skincare routines and it's sunscreen.

When you think about the preventative things and the effect that it's going to have on your life in the future. We're so interested in things like Botox or Microneedling or cosmetic tattooing that can provide solutions to things for us. But sometimes preventative things aren't quite as exciting to invest money into. You don't really see the results until 10-20 years down the line. But geez, if you put that time in it really does show so I really thought that it was important to make this episode because I do think it is the one thing that could really help impact so many people's lives that is really missing out of a self care routine.

And so we did bring sunscreen line into Elevate last year out of necessity and I do think sometimes really selfishly because I want these products and I want to be using a sunscreen every day and I fully take advantage of these things. When I get really interested in something then I know that it's probably something my girls are going to be really interested in too and so I go on this on this research rabbit hole to find the best thing I want to be using for myself every day because I figure that if it's something that I can stand behind them, it's also something that could probably be helpful in a lot of other people's lives too.

So yeah, I definitely did a bunch of research on which line has had the most qualities that would be applicable for everyone in the studio and not only for myself for my partner as well to my husband works in the sun a lot and it's absolutely impossible to get him to wear sunscreen and they're out doing construction and stuff like all the time without sunscreen usually and talking tons of time I found a new shade if your husband can be cool wearing a sunscreen, like being excited to wear sunscreen, feeling good to wear sunscreen, that is something that I think could also help a bunch of other different people's families as well like some kids also hate wearing sunscreens usually so you buy something, a piece of clothing or whatever if you don't like it, you're not going to wear it.

And so that's exactly what sunscreen is to if you buy something that's not a quality product, it might do the job but you probably aren't going to like the way it feels on your skin or it feels to wear it and when you don't get excited to put something on then you end up not using it so anyways this is why it was important for me to find something like that for myself and my family.

Also for my brow clients because I love seeing you guys and the more your permanent makeup fades I guess the more money I'm making in touch-ups and color corrections but for me, I would really rapidly invest in some sunscreen and protective events so that you have a longer-lasting results and less fading of your color so we don't have to do as many color corrections. So in the future like I really am invested in what I think is good for my client's long term. And so that is pairing the permanent makeup service with a quality sunscreen that you're actually going to be excited to wear instead of having to kind of like dread it or feel like it is just not fun to wear too. We've prepared this episode for you guys with a lot of different facts and I hope that it's helpful for you guys. So why is it important to apply sunscreen?

Number one, it protects your skin from UV rays so sunscreen blocks these rays greatly reducing the likelihood of a burn. It lowers your risk of skin cancer as well. According to the CDC 71,943 People were diagnosed with melanomas of the skin in 2013. I'm sure it's more than that now. And out of those people. 9394 of these cases were fatal. So if you look at our COVID numbers, these numbers are actually higher than the rate of death from COVID. So it's a scary thing like that should be really taken seriously. And by applying sunscreen everyday you cut your risk of contracting skin cancers in half. So if you're not doing that, it means you're basically doubling your risk of getting skin cancer.

It prevents premature aging of the skin so some damage from the UV rays causes auto aging of the skin which is characterized by a leathery look discoloration and a breakdown of collagen, which contributes to lines sagging and wrinkles. Studies show that those below age 55 who apply sunscreen regularly have a 24% less chance of developing these signs of aging though. So think me in a box and a lot of you are going to be seeing lately and lines and wrinkles that someone who doesn't would it also helps me today.

So sunscreen helps prevent discoloration and dark spots from sun damage. So like melasma helps you maintain a smoother and more even skin tone. I've noticed this definitely on my skin as well. And I believe even with rosacea, it does provide a level of protection so it does for me I've noticed since I've been wearing sunscreen every day, because rosacea in a way is an irritation to the skin so I've noticed much more even skin tone with redness as well having that daily sunscreen on my face. Not to mention the roaster um that's in most of the coolest sunscreens for the face. also really great for targeting redness in the skin The main cause of melasma or those dark spots on your skin is because it's triggered by UV. So if you are eliminating the UV, then you eliminate that trigger. We reset your skin or you reset with a chemical peel or you reset with later or you reset with Microneedling. If you're not wearing sunscreen every day, the UV is still going to trigger that response in your skin and it's just gonna happen again. So it's going to be like wasted money for you if you're not investing in daily sunscreen if you get any of those treatments to be treating those specific things.

Number five, your chances of skin cancer are also much higher if your hair is red.

So if you're a redhead, this is something that you should be definitely thinking about even more so than someone of another hair type that will have skin type. Scientists used to think the reason for this increased risk was due to the fair scandal of redheads in 2013 searches discovered the MC one RG mutation which creates red hair and fair skin. This mutation also creates a cancer-causing pathway that when exposed to UV radiation promotes a genetic propensity towards cancer.

The source we have is CBS News. So this is a verified medical fact for you to continue using. It's definitely something that you need to be thinking of more so than necessarily ever. And sunscreen helps you protect your permanent makeup of the harmful rays of the sun that can fade the implanted pigment. And not only can it fake the permanent makeup but it can change the color of your pigment over time too. So I recommend wearing SPF all the time on your cosmetic tattooing for lips. You can get sunscreen inside of a lip gloss or a lip chap. But every day wearing at least the SPF 30 right in your browser and the funny right in their browsers like if you're applying SPF you usually go around your house. So it's a very big takeaway to be thinking about that and I highly encourage you to invest in SPF 50 that we have.

Because if you weren't doing that, it's like buying an insurance policy for your brows. And who doesn't want that because it's such a big investment for you and once the color starts shifting, which will happen typically when it's exposed to UV rays, it's a lot more difficult for you to be shifting exactly where you want to be again. So always better to do the preventative. In those cases, save the money and keep your awesome results instead of having to deal with the repercussions of not doing something like wearing sunscreen over top of your permanent makeup. Sunscreen also helps your body protect against other threats. So when our skin is damaged by the UV, our cells become less threat to the immune system. It makes it harder for our body to fight off disease and slows the body's natural ability to heal. itself. Applying sunscreen regularly helps protect our skin from UV damage in the first place. So that we can help keep our immune system in peak condition. So you might be wondering, should sunscreen come before or after other products?

As long as the sunscreen is at least SPF 30 water-resistant broad spectrum and applied 15 minutes before going outside it doesn't matter what order you apply your skincare products. Some people find it easiest to work with bare skin before makeup or moisturizer has been added. Find what works best for your routine. Most people find it best to apply it before makeup. I am addicted to BB cream. What I do is I will go straight onto the skin and it makes such a dewy nice like you're not wearing foundation you're wearing like this awesome amazing tinted sunscreen that is like a BB cream and makes your skin look beautiful. So it's a mineral-based one I believe and that's where the tinting comes from but it's like having a cakey white look on your face. Beautiful glowy softly diffused. I'm not wearing makeup my perfect kind of look which is awesome I think does makeup with SPF work? Not enough to protect your skin even if it has by SPF so massive stabling screen so the products that are maybe is BB creams they are a sunscreen so you can sunscreen but a lot of the sunscreens that are in makeups are not high enough quality to be really protecting the skin. So you have to make sure you're investing in this specific sunscreen to be able to get the benefits that are in it for sure. Do you need to reapply sunscreen throughout the day?

So generally, sunscreen should be applied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. If you work indoors instead away from windows, you may not need a second application. So I think this would be me like for example I just I'm not going to be outside all day. I will just do my BB cream in the morning but definitely if like I'm outside and doing sweating and stuff I would be reapplying it for sure. And another thing I absolutely love is the spray-on sunscreen in the summer because it does not leave you feeling greasy at all. And doesn't leave your clothes feeling sticky. It is like it's just not even there. You can get the sentence or you can get the unscented one and it's just a magical experience of being protected by something that is not annoying, which I think is fabulous.

So keep in mind that no sunscreen is perfect. Wearing wide-brimmed hats sunglasses have a huge selection of oversized sunglasses that will protect your eye area from getting those awful legs my lines too fast and other protective clothing and seeking shade is like a really great solution to avoiding the sun or getting too much that's it we'll say UVA, UVB. But UVA rays are also important because they contribute to skin cancer and premature aging. So make sure your sunscreen has some protection factor of SPF or higher. The SPF number is the level of protection the sunscreen provides against UVB rays. higher SPF numbers do not mean more protection, but the higher you go the smaller the difference. becomes. So SPF 15 sunscreens filter out about 93% of UVB rays Well, SPF 30 sunscreens filter out about 97 SPF 50 sunscreens about 98, and SPF 100 about 99 It's just a little bit more for the SPF 50 For the brows but you definitely want to be getting as much as you can coverage wise without having to like affect it with your makeup routine.

So SPF 100 is probably a little overkill and you're going to be looking like a clown walking around but SPF perfectly and you're not going to notice there and it's just going to provide that meeting that you want to have. What type of sunscreen is best for you so if you have oily skin the most exciting thing in my opinion about matte facial sunscreen and it's specifically formulated for your face so it's not going to be clogging the pores or irritating your skin. The makeup is going to sit nicely over top of it but it's also

if you have oily skin, so it's such a great thing this is also amazing for lash extension wears because when you wear lash extensions, obviously you want sunscreens dripping into your eye and do you want to reduce that oiliness as much as possible so this mat facial sunscreen is epic for that they make matte cucumber facial sunscreen SPF 50 And that one it's just got a super like cucumber smell and no tint to it. It's also got some rosehip oil which is like rich in vitamin C and hydrating shea butter to retain the right amount of moisture but still not be like really gross and oily. It's got a really lightweight silky texture that absorbs in the skin quickly leaving behind no trace of the white veil usually seen with physical blockers and it's also water-resistant up to 40 minutes. So this also comes in a matte tint one which is actually probably one popular train so far that we've been selling at Elevate. It's just very lightly tinted. It's a matte finish ideal for normal oily skin. It's rich and nongreasy, which gives you the broad-spectrum protection and light tint to keep your complexion looking like fresh and flawless. The matte finish from Green Works controls the shine throughout the day and even functions as a primer when worn under makeup. And super awesome but it kind of like does protect the skin but it also prepares the skin for them.

It's like gonna be something that you love wearing so you're gonna want to put it on every day and not only that, you can ditch a lot of your moisturizers and your serums because it already has that into it and it's developed to be a matte finish. So it's not like your serums that leave your skin oily looking and like slipping down often to your lashes. So for dry sensitive skin, I definitely would recommend the organic face sport SPF 50 white tea moisturizer, sunscreen primrose, and linseed oils to reduce stress, even skin tone and balance moisture. So this is a perfect sunscreen for people with uneven skin tone dryness and redness. So I'm actually going to have to try this one out too because I have that realization that I always want to keep under wraps for sure it's such an easy way when you can be applying your sunscreen that is also combined with this facial care and it's two in one solution. So this sunscreen is designed for long active days in the sun. It's just lightly scented and it provides protection up to 80 minutes in the water which is epic in the summer. It's full of good stuff for your skin and it's a feel-good formula.

So it's going to last well you're doing active things outside in the summer and sweating and stuff like that. So it's super ideal for your brow. Tattoo especially but just all different kinds of summer activity. So for normal skin, this is the one that I love and honestly, this BB cream can be for lots of different people it might be a little bit on the rich side for if you have super oily skin. I would definitely recommend the matte one if you have super oily skin, but for anyone if you have a dry skin or if you have normal skin, our cream is just amazing. If you love foundation person, maybe like a little bit of a glow, and you just want it to be really done we don't want to work using a bunch of different serums with your skin. This is like a one-stop shop for keeping your skin looking like really fresh not greasy so don't worry once again about your last extension. It is the perfect skin. Thing tinted moisturizer helps us to naturally listen and support are fresh in hopes it's a mineral sunscreen, SPF 30 But it gives you a barely-there feel so there is three different skin tone types so you can test them out and find the one that is going to perfectly match and it's also formulated without oxy benzo and it's hypoallergenic and won't clog your pores. It's vegan cruelty-free and water-resistant up to 80 minutes. Oh and also the unsend screens are all friendly which is really important as well.

That's a really good indicator if it's going to be good for the reef and it's going to be also good for your face. And why they're now bad. It's not reef friendly because it's basically toxic. Why would you want to throw on yours too? We haven't mentioned the spray sunscreens are amazing and like spring right now so we're not really thinking about that I think the facial sunscreens is really what I would love for people to be about now, especially anyone with a permanent makeup but it's just like a great thing to get in the habit of and then there are those spray sunscreens when we get into more of a summer. Honestly like I'll use the spray sunscreen on my face too and it's because there's such a high-quality sunscreen that does not leave a crazy residue. Like most spray Sunny. It's also not aerosol, its uses compressed air so they've really thought about everything. This is a brand that's usually in many spas and high-end like places like that or like plastic surgeon's offices and that's how I discovered it works in in medi spa. She read it and then you're trying to find it anywhere close to us and actually try it out first and I found out that there is no one who is supplying it anywhere close to us.

So just like I get a little bit knocked off my seat sometimes when I just hear about these products that are so amazing and like every awesome place in the city. And then I'd like tried to find them in our town and they're nowhere to so when that happens like if it's an inhaler. It's already might be inclined to just support it there and go purchase it there but when it's not dissing, I really feel like for my own or use it so of course, I want to be bringing it in and sharing it with my clients.So that's how we ended up with that sunscreen.

And I hope that you guys have learned something from this podcast and

I hope that I can encourage you to get as excited about sunscreen as you are about permanent makeup, or lashes or Botox or microneedling is honestly the number one thing you can do for your health great now. also prevent landlines, aging, all the things that you're going to want to be fixing later on. So building like preserving permanent metal is so important. So if there's anything that I can help you by sure if you want to sell I would love to show samples of this because this is really how you're going to find that you loved it or not. If you have a product already that you are loving, that's super clean. I just encourage that you make sure that it is by the protection. It is if there is something we love retention. So for example, they have a very strict skincare routine.

So I think you can find a sunscreen for exactly like that. That is going to give you the same benefits that you're doing every day with like your serum So like for example by serum rose as a lot of vitamin C in it. So if your sunscreen and it's metal it's actually going to work as like a grater make. I'm not going to be oily on your skin so it's not going to cause issues that using like what would be highly men. Once your sermons out at invest in the sunscreen because it's going to be two products in one honestly you're it's like getting for free and that's going to save you money on your water tension and then also your permanent makeup visits to so just all these and I don't want this to be salesy, but I do want to see how monies can save you and how much hassle This can save you in the future that if you're not already doing a sunscreen every day before you invest in permanent makeup, or Botox. We recommend that you search for somebody that we're going to love, get a sample of it, try it out and start working it into your daily routine and reap the benefits of that because the sooner you start, the better the results are going to be in the future 30 years down the road. So once again, thank you so much for being on another episode of elevate yourself podcast and not the most exciting for some people but I do think that it should be so I really hope that you challenge your thoughts and your excitement level on sunscreen. If you've ever been excited about something like permanent makeup or Micro-needling or Botox these things and you're not wearing sunscreen already daily, how kind of backward that is and start with the building blocks of saving your skin from damage before you spend all this money and then don't have the good habit of protecting your skin already so you don't put sunscreen on daily and then your permanent makeup gets messed up. Or if you have already created this damage when you could be you know using sunscreen every day and looking like you're 24% Less skin damage than someone who isn't preventative so get on the train guys and doesn't matter where you get it. Just make sure it's all sunscreen. I'd love to hear about how you're implementing this in your daily routines you DM on Instagram.