Jenna: Hey guys, and thanks for joining me on another episode of elevate yourself podcast with myself, Jenna be. So today I wanted to talk to you guys about how you can use listening to podcasts to enrich your self care routine. And this is something that has really changed my life on a personal level and on a professional level as well, definitely in so many aspects of self care with my life.

And I still like I see some people mostly using podcasts for entertainment in my conversations with people, but I think some people like using it for self care. But I think it just such an easy way to integrate it into your lifestyle to just become a lot more present, just like really making it a priority, but easily integrating it into your life. So for example, for me, most of you know that I do have a half an hour drive both ways to my studio. So for a long time, this was like a time where I would select music for the studio after a little bit of that like it just, you know, you get enough music and get bored of that the radio definitely lacks leaves a lot to be desired. So also, it's just like a lot of wasted time. Otherwise, I found so I started listening to a couple different podcasts that would really help and enrich my life and help me like work through things that I was trying to do either personally or professionally. So that this half an hour was not just like wasted as I was commuting back and forth. So that I was still growing, like and elevating myself, even as I'm driving into town to go to the studio. This has also like crept into my life. I am for instance cleaning my house now or anything, but it's really become like a ritual to me when I want to focus in on something else. This is a way that I can complete those tasks, almost like in a meditative state or like, be even more dedicated to the task at hand. Because I'm not like distracted by looking for like a different channel on the radio or will of course I'm not distracted driving. But I'm you know what I mean, you're like surfing the channel to find a different song or something like that. No, instead, I'm like, my brain is engaged. And I'm also engaged in the tasks that I'm doing, whether it's cleaning my house, or whatever. And so I'm just fully firing on all cylinders, when I have my brain working up to the full degree, not just like zoning out and getting bored listening to some stupid radio show or something like that.

So I really want to share this, and the ways that it has changed my life because I think that I can help a lot of different people. And definitely trying to help people through this podcast. That's like my number one thing here, it's definitely not to be salesy, or anything like that, well, it's a little bit selfish on my part, the reason why I centered my podcast around self care is because the more you talk about something, the more it becomes second nature in your own life. So for myself, I found that I was so active in the self care industry, that my own self care had taken a backseat, because I'm not like coaching in the studio. And we talk about self care a little bit. But it's more like implementing those steps for other people. But through the podcast, I have to actively engage with self care discussions. And like think about these things weekly, different topics about how I'm integrating self care into my life and how someone else could be inspired by this routine, or just like new ways that I could in the future. So because I'm helping people, it's helping me. So it's very, like it is selfish in that way. But it's also just my intention for this to like really shine through as being helpful to other people. Because it's like a mutually beneficial thing that makes sense. So things that have made really helped me with that, obviously, multitasking makes work easier. So having the podcast on instead of something that is distracting, because you don't really want to be listening to it. It just helps you zone in more on the task that you're doing. And so you can get the work that you're doing done faster. And you can also balance doing that work like driving to work or like cleaning your house with working on your self care by learning a new thing or exploring a topic that will help you in one way or another in your personal or business life.

It cuts down on the screen time too, which is really awesome. Because what I was finding is I was just having social media overload in my life, social media overwhelmed to the nth degree. And the other thing that doesn't really that I don't personally like about that is that these are all things that are fed to us by an algorithm. So you don't actively have the choice to really see everything that you want to see and then make the choice. Do I want to listen to this or not? Do I want to consume this information or not? You're being fed information that is curated for you. But also it's kind of censored in a way as well, isn't it because when you don't get to see everything that's available to you. It's really eliminating your choices as well. So there's something that doesn't really jive with me about that. I think there's a lot of room for missing out on awesome things. And I just don't like the idea of having a company filter through all the information that I received.

So I really do like that through podcasting, you get access to all the episodes from all the people, you want to hear about all the experts that you want to hear about all the content that they create, and then you are the one that decides, do I want to listen to this? Is this a value to me or not. It's not an algorithm telling you, it's not a company like Facebook, or Instagram, this is a more personal direct way of you making your own decisions of what you want to focus on in your life and what you want to improve on. So I really do like having that cutting down on that screen time. And also the influence that those companies really have on your thoughts and on the way you're going to grow. So yeah, I like that freedom of thought and lack of sense of censorship that really comes through podcasting.

It's also been proven that podcast listeners are often more successful than non podcast listeners. I'm sure there's a lot of data and correlations that go with that. But I think that in general, it's because it's such an awesome resource for self improvement. And it's completely free. But not only that, if you want to get better at something, there's no better way to do that than to get as close as you humanly can to the person who's doing that thing. So for instance, for me, I listened to a lot of business podcasts, because I really want to expand the way that I think about business and the employee culture that I bring. But also just to, you know, stay on top of things. Business is an always ever evolving thing. It's like having a kid you want just want to make the best choices for it at all times. And so podcasts give you direct access to people who are have either lived through something that you've gone through, who can provide value and help you through a situation or they can just by like spending that an hour with someone on a podcast episode and hearing their thoughts and their perspective, when they are in a situation that you want to be in yourself and killing it. That is like invaluable advice, because likely, you'll never get in a room with that person and have the chance to pick their brain on that. So it's basically like getting to hang out with this person and pick their brain for an hour. I love that. And I have gotten so much information. And I've grown so much and changed my views a lot, especially around business. And it would totally not be possible if I had not been listening to these podcast episodes from people who have already worked through these situations that I'm maybe having roadblocks with or something like that. Because you know, like, you'll never always have a group of friends or a peer group that necessarily has the experience of everything that you are working through. And so that advice is so beneficial.

So I do think that it does help you be more successful in your business life. But also, same thing more successful with your self care, too. There's so many awesome meditation podcasts, also that can help with self self care in different ways. And just having the access to be able to go through a guided meditation that might work for you, anytime that you really want to. It's just so amazing to be able to do that.

And so also another thing that I love. So this also goes back to learning unique topics directly from experts. A lot of the time to once you become an expert in something, you just don't have time to have a conversation with everyone who might need to. So for me in the studio, this is one thing that I personally really love about podcast episodes, I'm definitely using them throughout my whole site and in my studio with my clientele, because although I would love to have all the conversations necessary with them to make sure that they are paired with like the exact perfect service that's going to give them the best results for their self care goals. And then also give them all the little intricacies of the aftercare tips and stuff like that. We could be talking about these things for quite a long time. But also, it's sometimes doesn't hit for everyone, when I write it down in my website . Some people don't want to sit down and read for 15 or 10 minutes, they would rather just listen to a podcast episode and have it explained to them. It's really a lot more interesting. I think also to connect with someone through voice because you do get to hear that unique passion and intonation from someone who is an expert talking about something. So it's something I've definitely loved myself to take advantage of. And I have been using it as an amazing tool in my business to be able to help my clientele even more than I can because let's be real there's not a lot of time sometimes when you are fully booked as a personal services/self care expert to pick up the phone or call people back at the end of the day. If you can provide them access to learn from these topics directly from yourself, then it's such a better way, because I feel like they can access that information exactly when they are ready to do it. It's not like you're calling someone back and you're missing them on the phone, they can take a second on their drive from work or something like that, listen to how to get better lash attention, or how to pick the right style brows or how to whatever you want to tell teach someone about. And they can benefit from that on their own time. And you're basically helping yourself by saving time, saving your clientele from the negative experience of not having that knowledge and maybe not having as good lash retention or not picking the right price service. So it's just preparing everyone for like Win Win positive situation, I think saving the time educating the client, and just everyone wins that way.

Podcasting also improves your comprehension, obviously, in vocabulary, lots of the time, this is huge for our business, too. from a client's perspective, you might not always understand what we're talking about. But if you go through the podcast episodes, it goes in depth with everything. And say you saw us like a sculpted gel polish, or a sculpted gel manicure listed at somewhere on Instagram and you're not really sure what it is you can listen to the episode of the podcast and take the time to go a little bit further into it and have an in depth explanation of that.

So also, for me, as a business owner, there's a lot of different things that I sometimes have questions about, there's a lot of the terms going around with like business and just it gets really confusing sometimes. And sometimes if you're not a super number three, textbook style person, when you're reading all these things, it can just be eyes crossed and flying over your head. But when you listen to someone, you can really connect with what they're saying. And it's a lot easier to learn sometimes. So definitely I find for myself seeing it is sometimes a little bit harder for me to process depends on what kind of learner you are. But hearing it definitely helps me process and improves my comprehension. And like my knowledge after listening to these podcast episodes.

You'll always learn something new, usually in a Podcast, episode 75% of podcast listeners tune into podcast to learn new things. And that's also the awesome thing about podcasts. Versus like tuning into your social media, you don't get like the Explorer page, or whatever they want to send you, you get the weekly episodes delivered to you. So you get to choose which ones are valuable to me and which ones maybe are not. And you get to tune in that way instead of missing out on something.

On top of reducing stress and anxiety, it also improves your focus and attention span boosts your mood and encourages imagination. Through this, you become a better listener. And you'll learn more about the world and start to gain new interests and new opportunities will introduce themselves to your life over time as well. There's literally a million different ways to use podcasts for self care. I think the best way to use a podcast for self care is just a start. Just start listening to podcasts, pick something that interests you and then go from there. Some of my favorites for business are definitely Amy Porterfield or Gary Vee, definitely some really big inspiration there.

There's a lot of good marketing podcast to manifestation babe has been really good podcast as well, for business mindset. Whatever podcast you're thinking might tickle your fancy to give it a search and then look under the top 10s I would just recommend starting with a podcast for this one. But any podcasts that really interests you and go from there. I found the best podcasts through listening to other podcasts that I don't actually maybe like as much, but they have recommended through them.

Or even through hearing a host that brings on another person to do an interview. Sometimes this is the way that I've come across some of the best people like I've never heard their names before. But then they come on into an interview on another podcast and you're like, "Wow, this person just really blew me away." There's so much that I learned are connected with me and I just want to know more and then I'll follow that person. And I'll really find that I'm doing things in a month or two later that have like completely changed my life, my business and my personal life. It's just definitely taking the time to implement after you listen to a podcast, I think is important. But even if you don't take that time I think subconsciously you're still absorbing that information. You're changing your mindset and you're introducing new ideas into your daily routines. And once you introduce those new ideas, you are going to think about things differently. When you think about things differently, you'll react to different things differently. And then you'll also start to make different choices differently. So it really does affect your whole life. If you're listening to the right podcasts, filling your head with the right stuff, I believe it's also critical to have the choice to have access to what you want and what you don't want. So I think that that's also where podcasting does set itself apart from social media because you are able to consciously make that choice for yourself. I definitely would recommend if you're currently only relying on social media, I would definitely challenge you to take some time to branch out, start following a couple people and on your drive to work or something like that or your workout. Switch it on, take a listen and see if it's changing your mindset helping you out if you're learning something from it. Anything that you can use to elevate yourself is only going to make your life better.

I'm curious to know what you thought about this episode and if you do end up watching podcasts, what podcasts you're loving, because I always would love to hear a new recommendation. Send me a DM on Instagram. I would love to chat about it.