Episode 56: Why You Shouldn't Give Up On Your Beauty Biz Dream


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In life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that test our determination and commitment. One area where this can be particularly true is pursuing our passions and dreams. The journey towards achieving our goals can be tough, and it's easy to get discouraged along the way.

I remember when I was starting my journey in the beauty biz, I have no idea what I was doing or if I am doing the right thing. But since I know that this is what I really want to do, I strived in improving myself and finding ways how I can improve other people's lives through the services that I offer.

Beauty services such as lash extensions, lash lifts, brow services, etc go beyond beauty. There's something more that we do for our clients like giving them confidence, making them feel beautiful, or being the source of their comfort. We also give our clients hope. When we do these services we transform them, in a way that makes them feel really good about themselves.

Seeing how my clients are happy and satisfied with these services makes everything worth it.

I know it's not always rainbows and sunshine. There will be a lot of times when things will get hard and you feel like you want to give up. If you came to that point in your beauty biz career, I want you to ask yourself these: Would you and your family be better off if you finished this? Maybe you're just feeling overwhelmed and just need to take a break. Totally giving up might not be the right choice if you know deep down that this career is helping you and your family immensely.

The next question is, how can it improve the lives of someone else in this world? Sometimes when we know we are making a difference in other people's lives, we have this will to continue. It's easier to make a decision when you know that you're helping other people along the way.

Rest is so important. So rest if you must but don't give up.

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Jenna Bodnaruk