Episode 17: The Number One Thing Missing in your Selfcare Routine!

An SPF a day keeps the wrinkles away!

Should you be wearing sunscreen everyday? The answer is absolutely YES! You may not realize it, but sun damage adds up over the years. Even if you don’t spend a lot of active time outside, you are constantly exposed to UV radiation — on cloudy, snowy days and through windows. You read it right. Sunscreen is not only essential during summertime but it should be part of your daily routine. The UV rays can penetrate through your windows. This exposure accumulates and can increase your risk of skin cancer, premature skin aging, and damage over time.

Am I trying to scare you? Of course not! This is a fact. You can read through this article - “Trucker accumulates skin damage on left side of his face after 28 years on the road”, to better understand how prolonged exposure to the sun without any protection can severely damage your skin & increase your risk of skin cancer.

With this in mind, I decided to talk about sunscreens in this week’s podcast episode, considering how active our lifestyle is here in the Kootenays. We love to spend most of our time outdoors. I thought it would be timely and really helpful to have a clearer picture of how the sun harms our skin and why sunscreens are important. Not only that, I will help you choose the best type of sunscreen that’ll suit your lifestyle and skin type!

Did you know that sunscreen is essential after Microneedling or permanent make-up procedure as part of your aftercare routine? It helps with lash retention, too! If you're planning to get your lash extensions, have a permanent make-up or Microneedling procedure done, this podcast episode will surely give you ideas on what type of sunscreen is perfect for you. Protect yourself without compromising your selfcare goals!

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

► {00:51} If you're interested with Botox, Microneedling, Permanent Make-Up, why should you invest more on sunscreen?

► {02:35} Why is it important to choose the right sunscreen based on what you feel like wearing or fit your lifestyle?

► {04:25} How does sunscreen helps lower your risk on having skin cancer?

► {05:02} How does sunscreen prevent premature aging & wrinkles?

► {05:42} Can sunscreen prevent you from having uneven skin tone or redness?

► {06:58} How does being a red head increases your risk of getting skin cancer?

► {07:56} How can you prevent fading of your permanent make-up or cosmetic tattooing?

► {09:16} Does your exposure to the sun without protection lowers your immunity?

► {09:41} How should you properly apply your sunscreen?

► {10:48} Does make-up with SPF work?

► {11:20} Do you need to re-aapply sunscreen throughout the day?

► {12:50} What is the right level of protection you should get for a sunscreen and what type of sunscreen is best for you?

► {13:52} What sunscreen is recommended for oily skin?

► {16:21} What sunscreen is recommended for dry/sensitive skin?

► {17:38} What sunscreen is recommended for normal skin?

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Jenna Bodnaruk