Episode 29: Lash Course 101: Online vs. In Person Classes

This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below👇 to watch.

“Education or learning is not a one size fits all process.”

We all have different learning styles. Some of us are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners. Which of these are you? How do you learn best?

Aside from a bunch of decisions that you have to make before taking a lash course, one of the first things you have to think about is whether you’ll go for an in-person or online class. With the global pandemic happening, most of us needed to adapt to learning everything online. We’re used to attending meetings, conferences & training in person but with all that has happened, we have to quickly switch to doing these things online.

Does that mean that online is better than an in-person course? That’s where your learning style & personal circumstances come in. Are there usually lash courses within your area? If none, are you willing to travel? For in-person training, you have to follow a strict schedule of when to take the course. It usually only lasts for 2 days depending on the lash course you’ll take. Imagine getting sick on the day of your course, what do you think will happen? Well, it depends on their policies, whether you’ll get a refund or reschedule your training.

Online classes are usually learning at your own pace. It gives you the resources that you need & allows you to go back & forth to the materials to better understand them. You don’t have to adhere to a certain schedule & force yourself to learn everything in a day or two.

So what would suit you best? You are the only person who can answer that but let me help you decide. Watch my Youtube video below or listen to this podcast episode.

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

â–ş {02:35} My in person training insights & experience - advantages & disadvantages

â–ş {05:16} What kind of in-person training have I undergone that helped me succeed

â–ş {06:56} The opportunity I had that contributed a lot to my success

â–ş {08:36} Why our virtual live training is exceptional & your best choice for lash course

â–ş {12:52} Who are best candidates for in person classes

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This podcast is also available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below to watch.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Jenna Bodnaruk