Episode 19: How To Recognize & Recover from the "B" Word

“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

How have you been feeling lately? Does your usual “tired” become more of the kind of tiredness that doesn’t go away with sleep or rest? I know many of us have been experiencing ups and downs in our mental health even before the COVID hit but more so after we went through that period in our lives. Part of the mental load that we have to take is the feeling of “burnout”.

In the survey, which polled more than 65,000 North American employees, 42% of women and 35% of men reported feeling burned out often or almost always in 2021, compared to 32% of women and 28% of men in 2020 (Source, Time)

Although the World Health Organization classified burnout as a phenomenon that occurs at work, I believe there are many layers to it. It can also appear in other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or romantic relationships. We take on so many responsibilities, sometimes more than we can bear, and that causes burnout to happen. Some people might be experiencing it and haven’t recognized it until now.

Managing burnout can be tough especially when you feel you’re alone. That’s why I decided to talk about it in this week’s podcast episode. You will have a better understanding of what causes burnout, its symptoms, and how you can effectively manage it. The best way to overcome something is to face it.

By listening to this podcast episode, I hope that you’ll learn a thing or two that you can apply to successfully conquer your burnout and recognize that you have to allow more time for your self-care.

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

► {01:24} Does burnout only apply to work? How did the World Health Organization define it?

► {02:41} What's the central symptom of burnout?

► {03:01} Are frequent negative thoughts a sign of burnout?

► {05:12} What are the common causes of burnout?

► {05:50} What are the signs/symptoms that you might be experiencing burnout?

► {07:38} What's the first step to overcome or manage your burnout?

► {10:19} How can you shift your perspective or mindset?

► {13:50} How can you identify the things that causes your stress and ways to manage them?

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Jenna Bodnaruk