Episode 39: How To Build Your Lash Clientele


This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below👇 to watch.


For this week's video, you’ll learn about my tips & insights on how you can successfully build your lash clientele

Here's a sneak peek at today's episode:

{00:21 Advantages of working in a salon in terms of building your clientele

{02:19} How did I start creating my portfolio

{02:48} How can you start compiling photos for a great & effective portfolio

{03:39} How to create Google listing for your business

{04:15} What should you include in your Instagram account to start attracting more clients

{09:05} What are the benefits of partnering with other beauty professionals

{11:22} Why building good habits will help you build clientele

{12:42} How to build connection with your clients & how does this affect their lash retention

Have further questions about lash career? Please check out the links below.

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This episode is available on my Youtube channel. Click the photo below to watch.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Jenna Bodnaruk